2025 Calendar
All events will be run, cancelled, changed, location changed or postponed at anytime at the discretion of the
SCMBC Inc. Committee.
Sunshine Coast Model Boat Club Inc.
No events
Sunday 23rd.
SCMBC - Interclub Sailing Regatta.
Saturday 29th.
SCMBC - Interclub Afternoon Twilight Sail Day, Sippy Downs.
Sunday 27th.
SCMBC - Interclub Schooner, Square Rigger and Vintage Sailing Craft Day.
Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th.
SCMBC Model Display
Bribie Classic Boat Regatta, Sylvan Beach Drive, Bribie Island.
Sunday 25th.
SCMBC - Interclub Tug, Paddleboat, Working Vessel Regatta, Sippy Downs.
Sunday 29th.
SCMBC - Interclub D-Day Invasion - Naval & Military Day Regatta.
SCMBC - Annual Membership Fees due.
Sunday 27th.
SCMBC - Annual General Meeting, USC, Sippy Downs.
Sunday 31st.
SCMBC - Interclub General Sail Day Regatta.
Saturday 6th.
SCMBC Model Display
Sunshine Coast Model Train and Hobby Expo
Caloundra Church of Christ, 30 Beerburrum St, Dicky Beach QLD 4551
Sunday 27th
SCMBC will be hosting a Family Come'n'Try Day - USC, Sippy Downs.
Come and learn able the club and drive one of the clubs or members scale model or sail vessel.
Sunday 28th
SCMBC - Interclub Americas Cup -
Schooner, Square Rigger and Vintage Sailing Craft Regatta.
Sunday 26th.
SCMBC - Interclub Tug, Paddleboat, Working Vessel.
No Events
Sunday 7th.
SCMBC - Interclub Pearl Harbour Day, USC, Sippy Downs.
Venue Locations
SCMBC Home Port - Sunshine Coast Model Boat Club are located at the lake at the rear of the
University of the Sunshine Coast (Uni SC), 90 Sippy Downs Dr, Sippy Downs, QLD., 4556.
SCMBC - Sunshine Coast Model Boat Club has a second new event location,
Baroon Pocket Dam.
Located at the end of Baroon Pocket Road, North Maleny.
SCMBC - Sunshine Coast Model Boat Club has a new trial event location
Lake MacDonald Picnic Ground and Boat Ramp,
Located on Lake MacDonald Dr, Lake MacDonald, QLD, 4563.
Possible new location, Sunshine Cove Park.
Sunrise Drive, Maroochydore, 4558.
Possible new location – Leafy Lagoon.
1 Leafy Ln, Chevallum QLD 4555
Triple “S” Model Boat Group are located at the
Brisbane Bicentenary Sports and Entertainment Complex Boondall.