Code of Conduct
Sunshine Coast Model Boat Club, Inc.
By-Laws and Code of Courtesy
1 Members using the older A.M. and F.M. frequencies are required to check in with the Harbour Master, the Frequency Board (if supplied) or other members before switching on their radios.
2 Radio transmitter aerial tips are to be fitted with a safety cap.
3 All members are required to operate their boats with due care.
4 All boats to have protective buffers on their bows when possible.
5 Members are to observe a slow boat speed and carefully manoeuvre their vessels into and out of and around the launching and mooring areas.
6 Power boats should give way to sail craft when and where possible.
7 Fast electric boats shall keep to the buoyed southern end of the lake.
8 Harbour Master approval is required before any vessel fitted with a steam boiler is fired up and to do so in a designated area.
9 Internal combustion engine powered boats are prohibited for use on the USC Campus Lake at all times.
10 No swimming or fishing is permitted in the lake.
11 Members are required to wear Club name badges whilst undertaking any Club activities. This includes but not limited to Social Club Days, Inter-club Days, Visiting other Clubs or participating in any Displays.
12 Members and visitors must sign the Attendance Book when present at any Club Activities.
13 It is the duty of all Club members to keep the area of the USC grounds tidy at all times.
14 Members must avoid any comment, remark or action which may cause annoyance or embarrassment to another member or visitor.
15 Members must avoid any comment, remark, actions or become involved in any altercation which could lead to the name of the SCMBC Inc. into disrepute or jeopardise the Club’s tenure on the USC grounds. (Lake.)
16 No domestic animals permitted onto the USC grounds at any time.
17 Model aircraft (aeroplanes, Drones, etc) are not permitted to be flown on USC grounds.
18 Entry to the lake is only to be made through the official entry and using the designated roads.
19 Rescue boat to be used by Club members only. It is recommended that it is maned by 2 Adult Club members wearing life jackets at all times. The life jackets are to remain in/with the boat at all times.
20 Members and visitors who enter the water must wear appropriate footwear (not thongs) and do so at their own risk.
Amended January 2021