Prospective & New Members
First thing you should do is come along and visit us at the lake a couple times on Sunday mornings and have a chat with some of our club members.
Make yourself known to the club Membership Officer or a committee member to find out what the Club is all about.
The "Memberships Officer" will explain what fees would be payable and give you a Membership Application form and other Club information.
You will need to get two financial club members to sponsor you and to sign your application form.
The completed form will be passed on to the Committee for review for the application to be approved by the Committee, this usually takes several weeks.
The "Memberships Officer" will send you a letter announcing the Committee's decision.
Letters to successful applicants will explain how to make payment to complete the application process.
SCMBC Inc. Memberships run from 1st. of July to 30th. of June each year.
Class of Membership, Entitlements and Fees
Membership Options, Entitlements and Fees:
Only Full Members are Eligible to vote and hold office on the Management Committee.
Full: $70.00
Spouse or Partner: $35.00
Junior: $35.00 (16 Years and Under)
Social Only: $15.00
*New Applicants Surcharge: $10.00 (Name Badge or Replacement)
If required, a two (2) step payment plan can be arranged on request to the committee.
The membership year commences on 1st July and the membership fees must be paid before 31st August to maintain membership. Payments after this date will be demend New Memberships not Renewal.
To reduce the administration load the Club prefers that fees are paid by electronic transfer to the clubs bank account.
Westpac Bank A/C. BSB: 034-243. Account no: 162763. Enter Surname and Initial as deposit reference.
Then e-mail completed membership form to
or by cheque, cash with completed membership forms to the President or Treasurer.